Take a little walk with Jesus and meet up with the Holy Spirit. He may be preparing you for the days to come.
He Will Provide
Are you anxious? Are you worried? Don’t be GOD WILL PROVIDE. Read and see what we sometimes forget about Christ. Thank you to Robert Mobley for the story and the picture.
Be the One
Such a great day sharing about Personal Pep Rally with River Valley DECA.
The Watering Can
Even when going through difficult times in our lives God has a plan and a purpose. He is planting seeds and holding the watering can so we can see the flowers bloom in the future.
What’s Your Limp
Read how we got to be blessed by meeting Jordan Ross Little James from The Chosen and what I learned from the scene of Jesus and Little James.
So Many Memories
This week I lost my friend of 54 years. We met when we were 4 years old and have been friends ever since. She asked me several years ago, no she really told me that I was speaking at her funeral. I was so honored to share so many memories I have with her. Even though in heaven she is still my friend and will never be forgotten.
Do you struggle? You aren’t alone we all struggle. How do we get out of a pit? Read and see.